Over the last three years, St Barnabas has directed its life, before God, using a ‘Mission Action Plan’ – which remains up on our website and in church.

But this plan is time-limited and a new Mission Action Plan (MAP) has been drafted by the PCC. This is now available for feedback from the church family (see below).

A few things to consider:
– Much of the new MAP is the same as the old MAP! Our core values – being Biblical, Christ-centred, servant-hearted, transformational – don’t change. They are at the core of who St Barnabas is as a Christian community.
– Much of the new MAP is building on the old MAP. We have, for instance, made real progress in work with children and young people and we need ‘more of the same.’
– There are some challenging targets in the new MAP. We’ll need many answers to prayer to achieve them. But it is good to remember that in life, if you aim at nothing, you will achieve that aim every time!

As part of our MAP we are committed to blessing the world God gives us, and have drafted a Green Plan to help us think about good stewardship of creation (also below).

Please read, pray over and share feedback about the new MAP by the end of February. You can share your thoughts by emailing the church office or writing to the PCC c/o the church office. Thank you.



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