When a person dear to us dies, we struggle to know what to say or think. With the death of Queen Elizabeth II this week, we are facing that same struggle. Below are plans at St Barnabas to help church members and members of the wider community to express our grief at the death of the Queen, to give thanks to God for her life and to pray for her family, the nation, the Commonwealth and all nations.
Sunday 11th September:
– There will be a Prayer Station in church, including a book of condolence.
– Our 9.30 am, 11.15 am and 6.30 pm services will each give opportunity to pray and reflect on the death of the Queen.
Monday 12th to Saturday 17th September, 5 pm to 6 pm
– The church will be open for reflection and prayer (including a book of condolence,) from 5 pm to 6 pm from Monday 12 to Saturday 18 September. Church will also be open at other times during the week when the book of condolence can be signed.
– This is an opportunity for all people, both church members and members of the wider community.
Sunday 18th September:
– There will be a Prayer Station in church, including a book of condolence.
– Our 9.30 am, 11.15 am and 6.30 pm services will each give opportunity to pray and reflect on the death of the Queen.
If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the vicar, David Goodhew via 01642 817306 or david@st-barnabas.net

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