Join our two slapstick Park Rangers for an exciting week of crafts, experiments, games and amazing stories from the bible, 23rd-27th August. Explore with them the wonder of God’s creation and His plan to make all things new!
Monday 23rd – Thursday 26th
Parklife video will be released on the St Barnabas YouTube channel at 11am. Accompanying this is a BIG activity box which is available to collect from church on Sunday 22nd August, 4-5pm. Boxes can also be collected after the 11.15am service. Delivery can be arranged if needed.
There are places available to watch the videos and do the craft activities with other families at church, Monday – Thursday starting at 11am. If you’d like to join us in church, please book soon as places are limited. Children attending the in-person session MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Friday 27th
Families are invited to join our Park Rangers in person at Albert Park – starting at 11am. Please bring a picnic!
To book a place in church or a box, email or tel. 01642 651818
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