On Sunday mornings, we begin April by continuing to look at the theme of the resurrection. From 21st April, we’ll take three weeks to ponder what the Bible says about money, in a series on 2 Corinthians 8 viewed alongside the gospels. This is followed by a series on Baptism, culminating in a joint service of Baptism and Confirmation on 26th May at 10.30am. Then from 16th June, we start a new series: Meeting Jesus.

In the evenings, we complete the series on the New Testament book of Hebrews. Then we’ll look at the short letter of Paul to Philemon. From 16th June, we begin a series on the Lord’s Prayer.

You can find our new sermon programme below, by visiting the Resources > Sermons section of the website, or pick up a hard copy from the back of church.



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