Young People & Families

Children and young people are a key part of our church family. We have multiple groups running through the week and on Sundays for young people to encounter Jesus, grow in faith, build relationships and have fun!

Sunday Mornings

Every child is welcome to sit through any of our church services. There are groups for children at our 11.15am service for anyone up to 14 years old. Everyone starts in the church building before children head across to the church hall for their groups. Every second Sunday we have an all age service at the 11.15am service

18 months – 5 years old

5 – 7 year olds

8 – 11 years old

11 – 14 year olds

For children under 3 there is also a creche space in the back of church with baby friendly toys and space to feed or change your baby if you want some extra privacy. The service is broadcast through to the creche space and you can see into the main church building from it. Little ones must be accompanied at all times by an adult.

Mid Week

As well as Sundays, we meet during the week and offer a range of groups for all ages to join in, study the bible and have fun.

Mini Praise

Mini Praise is our baby and toddler group. We meet Fridays 10:00am-11.30am in the church hall during school term time. There are toys, snacks and crafts with time for prayers, singing, and bible stories. Parents are welcome to come and chat with our team over refreshments so if you would like to come please contact


Explore is for 7-11 year olds and meets every other Tuesday 6pm-7.15pm during school term times. Kids can explore all kinds of different ideas and activities, and ultimately seeing how they all fit in with God’s big story so join us for games, activities, stories, and a chance to burn off some energy! Parents are welcome to come and chat with our team and you can find out more information by emailing

Club Night

Our 11-18s meet on alternate Tuesdays from 7.30pm – 9.00pm for a games night. Here Young people can invite their friends to play pool, table tennis, badminton, football, video games and enjoy a tuck shop!


On Tuesday nights at 6pm our 14-18s group meet in the church hall for food, lively discussion, activities, prayer and bible study, with the aim that all young people come to know the Lord Jesus for themselves. All are welcome.