Our three Living Out sessions looking at Christianity and sexuality have come to an end – thanks so much to everyone who came along.

As a church, we’re seeking to be authentic, biblical and compassionate as we encourage each other in the way of Jesus. Please don’t hesitate to be in touch with David, Lindsey or Mark if there is anything you’d like to talk through in a pastoral setting. Email addresses can be found here https://st-barnabas.net/leadership-and-staff/

Here is the content from the three sessions, in case you missed anything and would like to catch-up:

Session 1

Sam Allberry’s talk

Session 2

David Goodhew’s overview of biblical teaching on sex and marriage:


Anne Witton and David Bennett’s interview:

Session 3

Joel Virgo’s talk:


We recommended three helpful books:

Sam Allberry, Is God Anti-Gay? (introductory short read)


David Bennett, War of Loves (medium-length, autobiographical)


Glynn Harrison, A Better Story (in-depth treatment)


There are also lots more excellent resources at https://www.livingout.org.



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